I have a computer with a 1TB drive taken up completely with an F-19 system. I'd like to squeeze that down and make room for anther Linux partition but I can't seem to get started.

I have an F-19 DVD that I have been trying to use for booting into the "rescue" mode but I may not be doing it right. I can stumble through until I get a point where it says "An error occurred trying to mount some or all of your system. Some of it may be mounted under /mnt/sysimage. Press return to get a shell."

That gets another box offering: start shell, fakd, reboot.

From the shell I do chroot /mnt/sysimage.

Then ls lists a familiar list of directories, however there is nothing in those directories e.g. home, root, etc.

At that point I am stumped!

Suggestions solicited, maybe I should just give up and re-install?


Box10 Fedora-20/64bit Linux/XFCE

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