Finally made time to try your suggestions.

All went OK until I got to the reload stage when it complained about a bunch 
of 32-bit dependencies.
I changed the rpm -Uhv command to restrict it to 64-bit rpm's but still get:

warning: python-2.7.3-7.2.fc17.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key 
ID 1aca3465: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
        python = 2.7.3-6.fc17 is needed by (installed) 

What can I do about this?

Cheers and thanks,

On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 07:08:50 PM T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 9:46 PM, Stephen Davies <> wrote:
> > I think I need to start with force reloading of the original Python setup.
> > 
> > Could you please advise on how to do this.
> It will be a lot easier if you have another Fedora system or virtual
> machine with a working yum.  If you don't, you'll have to manually
> locate and download all the packages from the rpm query and the core
> interpreter packages from which
> would be time-consuming and painful.  With another system with a
> working yum, you can let the working yum do all the heavy lifting for
> you.
> On your broken system, obtain a list of all Python libraries and
> packages and save it to a file:
> rpm -q --qf='%{name}\n' --whatrequires 'python(abi)' > /tmp/pypkgs
> You'll notice that python-rpm is included in that list along with any
> other RPMs that install stuff into
> /usr/lib{,64}/python2.7/site-packages/.  Unfortunately, anything you
> installed with 'pip' or 'easy_install' won't be reflected in that, but
> I fear those are already lost.  You'll have to manually restore them
> with pip or easy_install after this is all done, since pip doesn't
> seem to log installs anywhere by default AFAICT.
> Anyway, now you can copy that file to the box with the working yum.
> Then, on that system with the working yum, create a temporary
> directory to download all the packages to and cd to it:
> mkdir /tmp/pyrpms
> cd /tmp/pyrpms
> Download the core interpreter packages for F17 x86_64:
> yumdownloader --releasever=17 --archlist=x86_64 python python-libs
> python-devel
> Download all the packages from the file you copied from the broken system:
> cat /tmp/pypkgs | xargs yumdownloader --releasever=17 --archlist=x86_64
> Now copy that directory to the broken system.  Make sure the
> /usr/local/ python is out of the way, then reinstall the core
> interpreter packages:
> rpm -Uvh --force python-2.7* python-libs-* python-devel-*
> At this point you should be able to invoke 'python' and 'import this'
> successfully.
> Now, you can move them out of the way so you don't reinstall them twice:
> mv python-2.7* python-libs-* python-devel-* /tmp
> Then reinstall all the remaining packages:
> rpm -Uvh --force *
> yum ought to work now!
> I'd suggest at this point you fedup to a supported version of Fedora
> (19 or 20), enable RPMFusion [1], then 'yum install freecad' from
> there to avoid any more trouble.  ;-)
> -T.C.
> [1]
Stephen Davies Consulting P/L                           Phone: 08-8177 1595
Adelaide, South Australia.                                Mobile:040 304 0583
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