
I am new to 389 and LDAP in general.
I have 389 installed on my CentOS (389-ds-base-
I have the basic dc=example,dc=com created when I did server setup.

[*root@localhost vim]# ldapsearch -x -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s base*
*# extended LDIF*
*# LDAPv3*
*# base <dc=example,dc=com> with scope baseObject*
*# filter: (objectclass=*)*
*# requesting: ALL*

*# example.com <http://example.com>*
*dn: dc=example,dc=com*
*objectClass: top*
*objectClass: domain*
*dc: example*

*# search result*
*search: 2*
*result: 0 Success*

*# numResponses: 2*
*# numEntries: 1*

Now I am trying to create a new object on that line. I want to create

*[root@localhost vim]# ldapadd -f myExample.ldif -x -W*
*Enter LDAP Password: *
*adding new entry "dc=myExample,dc=com"*
*ldap_add: No such object (32)*

How can I create the entry *dc=myExample,dc=com?*

The content of myExample.ldif is as follows (similar to see what I saw in
search output of dc=example,dc=com ).

*dn: dc=myExample,dc=comobjectClass: topobjectClass: domaindc: myExample*
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