On 01/04/14 10:56, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 04/01/14 07:31, c. marlow wrote:
ah Ok then Roger thats something I havent done yet... Install the Nvidia 
drivers... I guess I am using whatever came with this fresh install
how do I see what I have and how do I go about installing them?
Fedora doesn't ship with, or support the nVidia drivers.  They only supply the opensouce 
nouveau driver for nVidia hardware.   Assuming you do have nVidia hardware you should see 
the nouveau driver module loaded when you consult the output of "lsmod".

There are several ways to install the proprietary nVidia drivers.  I prefer the 
RPMfusion method.

You'd go to  http://rpmfusion.org/Configuration and follow the instructions for 
enabling the RPMfusion Free and Non-Free repositories.


yum install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia kmod-nvidia

Should be sufficient.

Make sure firstly that you have a nvidia video card.
If so then the above is how I have done the install.
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