On Thu, 2014-04-10 at 15:51 +0100, Steve Searle wrote:
> Around 03:24pm on Thursday, April 10, 2014 (UK time), Arthur Dent wrote:
> > 2) now that Fedora have removed the MTA as default, does it even
> > generate system messages and cron output messages anymore?
> Yes it does. I install and configure sendmail on both my Fedora
> workstations and do receive all the expected system messages as I did
> before the default installation of sendmail was removed from Fedora.
> I my opintion the removal of sendmail was a wrong decision, but this has
> been debated to death on this list before.

OK - So if just do "yum install sendmail" will everything work as
before? Or will I have to spend a fortune on coffee and pizzas as I sit
up night after night trying to configure it?

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