Allegedly, on or about 17 April 2014, Steve Searle sent:
> I would think the lack of any security updates would be a more serious
> problem than this. 

Me too, but they've already been covered.

I have one machine that uses an old OS, because it does what I need.
Since it's not on any network, and doesn't have to share data with
anything (not even discs), those kind of security issues don't exist.

So, there are times when the usual rules don't apply.  Even the
heartbleed problem can be ignored by those who don't do any secure

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

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George Orwell's '1984' was supposed to be a warning against tyranny, not
a set of instructions for supposedly democratic governments.

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