Rahul Sundaram <methe...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi
> On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 9:23 PM, lee wrote:
>> Then they should do it again.
> That is a Debian maintainers decision.

That doesn't mean that they shouldn't do it again.

>> That doesn't mean that users shouldn't get to vote.
> It just means voting isn't how distribution choose system components.

Which doesn't mean that that it is a good way to do so.

>>   Switching to something
>> because there is no alternative means that it wasn't possible to make a
>> choice.  Am I to assume that all major distributions were forced to use
>> systemd?
> Forced?  This is open source software.  If distributions wanted to have
> alternatives they are free to develop one or continue maintaining things
> like ConsoleKit.  They voluntarily choose to use systemd because it was the
> best maintained choice

See, they didn't really have a choice.  Developing an alternative or
continuing to maintain alternatives requires resources which they might
not have or rather devote to something else.

>> I don't know about logind.  Why would that be required?  I can still log
>> in without just fine when systemd isn't used.
> Perhaps you should look up what logind does yourself to understand why it
> is required.  It is fairly basic information if you want to engage in a
> debate about systemd.

Again there's no argument here that speaks for systemd.

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