On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 14:09 +0300, Veli-Pekka Kestilä wrote:
> On 10.7.2014 13:30, Balint Szigeti wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 2014-07-09 at 13:35 +0200, lee wrote: 
> > 
> > > David Benfell <benf...@parts-unknown.org> writes:
> > > 
> > > > I guess the two questions I'm reaching for are:
> > > >
> > > > 1) Is systemd conceptually broken, just a really bad idea from the
> > > > start? Some people say yes, and some of them argue well.
> > > 
> > > So far, I've seen only arguments that would support that systemd is a
> > > really bad idea because it's broken by design --- or should reasonably
> > > be designed differently.
> > > 
> > > > 2) Or, is it just that systemd is buried underneath an avalanche of
> > > > horrendous documentation and poorly chosen terminology?
> > > 
> > > You could look at the source to find an answer.  Perhaps it's great ---
> > > but I doubt it.
> > 
> > Seriously? Looking the source? Except developers who will dig in the
> > source code?
> > None user will dig the source code, they just will leave the
> > distribution or worse the all Linux area if
> > they can't solve their problem. I think, if the user can't find
> > solution, (s)he will accept it, but if there
> > will be too many, they just escape.
> Escape where, OSX has similar thing which seems to be even less
> documented (only my impression might be wrong). 
> Solaris has moved something similar.  AIX has never been truly SYSV
> and needs special hardware. BSD's will work but 
> have their own set of fun and are geared in my experience more to
> people who like to mess with the code. And some
> of them are planning to move to the thing used in OSX (or in it's
> opensource upstream). Windows also has extensive 
> ways to manage how processes will start in startup etc. 

That's great. Because they don't have choice we can do everything with
them. :(
It looks like, a small group of the community makes decisions 
and the other people don't have choice. No alternatives.... :(

> Maybe the thing is that world has moved forward and there is needs
> which traditional sysv init doesn't answer 
> anymore. And any way you feel about systemd something similar would
> have come anyway and it actually did and 
> people weren't happy so in came systemd instead. If there is real
> problems with systemd I am sure someone will sooner 
> or later fork it and do different version. That's the choice in
> free/open software it's freedom of making your own if the 
> current solution doesn't work for you. Nothing of this freedom is
> taken away. 
> It's just that those people who actually do work for getting the
> distributions out have seen that systemd is only 
> maintained solution at the moment. I think it's somehow telling that
> no one else is even trying to make better 
> solution to the problems. It doesn't mean there isn't ways to improve
> systemd (or make a replacement), it just means no one is willing to 
> do it.
> -vpk

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