On 21/07/14 21:27, Ed Greshko wrote:

For all intents and purpose it looks like its working as it should, it's just 
painfully slow.

Any NFS gurus out there, that can tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I've been using NFSv4 extensively for several years and I've not had an issue 
that you describe where everything is fine and then suddenly performance goes 
to hell in a hand basket.

Yeah it's really annoying. I could accept it, if performance was terrible all the time. I'd just figure I had some configuration setting out of whack, but it's the fact it works great.. then wham. To be honest it almost feels as if a cron job overnight it causing something to go screwy. It'll run fine all day, the next day, back to shit. That's without making any configuration changes.

It sounds as if you only have 2 systems to work with?  No, tiebreaker so to 

Actually, I have a couple of netbooks which hang off the wifi, although the NFS exports are set to read only on those, it's probably worth changing that and doing some further testing.

Have you considered running a VM on your client system to see if it is affected 
in the same way?

I hadn't considered that. Good idea. When the client's having a crisis, I can spin up the VM on the client and see if that's affected. I guess it would it least tell me if it's a hardware/driver quirk or a software issue.

Ian Chapman.
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