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On 09/09/2014 11:34 PM, Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Sep 2014 11:18:06 -0400 Kelly Miller
> <lightsolphoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yeah, they did... and refuted every single point made there,
>> multiple times.
> Can you point out a place where those refutes can be found? I want
> to see how one goes about refuting an objective statement.

I'd say that https://wiki.debian.org/Debate/initsystem/systemd pretty
much counters that page point-for-point.

Also, almost all of the statements made are not "objective". Nearly
all of the statements made are thoroughly subjective (e.g. "systemd
flies in the face of the Unix philosophy").

In fact, as I read through that page again, the only verifiable
statement made was about the number of CVEs that systemd has
experienced. Which is, of course, presented in a way to hide the fact
that most of those were not in the init system itself, but in
peripheral pieces such as journald. There's no mention of the count of
CVEs from sysvinit or upstart, let alone the likely thousands from the
kernel itself.

In short, this entire page is a troll with no substance.

There are plenty of complaints that can be *legitimately* leveled
against systemd. The correct way to do this is by filing bugs and
feature-enhancement requests. Mindlessly repeating misleading
sound-bytes is something better left for cable news stations and off
of development mailing lists, please.
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