Tim wrote:

> Realising you don't really want two configurations to have to do, but
> if it's your intention that *some* things should use, and
> other things should not, then I think you're stuck having to *manage*
> that.

I'm on the trail of a possible solution. Further ideas welcome.

In the dhcpd.conf file, I can test the client information from 
Anaconda's DHCP requests. For example,

   if substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 8 )  = "anaconda" {
     option domain-name-servers { normal addresses };
   } else {
     option domain-name-servers;

Indeed, this works -- up to a point. The first request that Anaconda 
sends includes this string and my DHCP server provides the proper 
response. But then Anaconda issues a couple of lease renewal requests 
(why? it has a full-day lease already). Those don't include the string 
so the server sends the 127 address. Then Anaconda fails. The sequence is,

   DHCP DISCOVER - with identifier "anaconda"
   DHCP OFFER - with normal name servers
   DHCP REQUEST- with identifier "anaconda"
   DHCP ACK - with normal name servers
   DHCP REQUEST- without identifier "anaconda"
   DHCP ACK - with 127 name server
   DHCP REQUEST- without identifier "anaconda"
   DHCP ACK - with 127 name server

There doesn't appear to be anything unique in the later requests on 
which I can key. I'm searching for a way to make the DHCP server 
remember the proper response.
Dave Close
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