Instead of replying with one's own favourite distro,
The answer should be (as to be expected), "that depends on ...."

a) Which distro has all the software that she needs?
there might be distro's that are very user friendly install/maintenance, but if 
essential software is missing and has to be downloaded upstream, 
tweaked/patched compiled and so on, well...
b) Who is doing the installation? Your friend? You? Someone else?
If the installation procedure require "some skills" to get optimal result 
instead of point, click, reboot, get-frustrated, I should say that the most 
simple might not be  the best choice.
c) who is doing support? Automatic updates based on a rolling release or a 
"long-term-support" version are fine, if you have one around to check it, and 
help out if it "automatically does not work anymore"
d) hardware support ....
Yeah, linux supports more HW than Microsoft, but I mean, some distro's load 
such amount of unrequired rubbish, that you run out of cpu/mem before you can 
do anything.
e) desktop choice. Some distro's offer only a desktop that is far, far from the 
windows-user experience.
You might up with a working system, with all required SW on it, but if the end 
user cannot work with it... Even a simple migration from KDE3->KDE4 have 
resulted in holy wars.
f) application support. I have witness a distro that did not bother to keep up 
even security related software. When pinging on it, the reply of the maintainer 
was "No one asked for it."

Someone mentioned Ubuntu. They got certainly a lot of attention. And I have to 
agree, it's basic installation is as simple to install as, let say windows-7. 
But there the party end.

Best advise should be, use a spare machine, try and make the decision based on 
your friends experience, and the quirks you encounter during installation & 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of jd1008
Sent: donderdag 23 oktober 2014 3:12
To: Fedora Community Users Support
Subject: A Linux for the totally maintenance free

Have a friend who wants to try getting away from windows, which, in spite of 
all the AV software the vendor had installed on her windows 7, it was plagued 
by viruses that rendered it unusable.

So, since she is not technically savvy, I was thinking of finding a linux 
distro that is practically self maintaining, as she has zero tech savvy for 
doing things like updates, configurations, fililing abrt reports, .....etc.

Any ideas what linux to use for such a person?

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