On 21Nov2014 19:22, Mike Chambers <m...@mtchambers.com> wrote:
I have a couple of cron jobs setup in my /etc/cron.d/ dir and they seem
to be checked and run as suppose to, according to /var/log/cron.
Basically the 2 jobs point to a couple of dir's that run a few scripts
every so few hours and mirror a few things from Fedora, rpmfusion, etc.

But I would like to get the email results of those 2 jobs after they
run, whether they download anything or not, but right now I don't get

Below is a copy of one of the cron jobs, but they are all the same.

[root@scooby log]# more /etc/cron.d/0quarterly
# Run the quarterly jobs
5 */4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.quarterly

As can see above, mailto=root is set, and I do get root emails (I
tested) to the alias I have set it for, but not the cron jobs.

So how else can I get it to email me no matter what the result is?

Cron doesn't sent email if the job output is empty. Is a normal run empty?
If so, the simple thing is the generate a little text from the jobs.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.     - Lily Tomlin
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