On Fri, 23 Jan 2015, jd1008 wrote:
On 01/23/2015 12:42 PM, Philip Keogh wrote:
On Fri, 23 Jan 2015, jd1008 wrote:
cdemu is not available for fedora. I found its sources on
on sourceforge, but there is no info on how to integrate
all that
into a single install file. As it is, it is way to
Not clear if all one needs is the client or the daemon or
not to mention the other 3 or more packages listed on
If you have info on a fedora cdemu for fedora, please

The cdemu team recommends using alien to convert the DEB
packages to
RPM and
then tweaking the resulting post-install scripts as needed:

You could also just download the tarballs and follow the
directions in
INSTALL files provided.

I found the fc19 source files and built them on fc21
without a hitch, and installed them:

$ rpm -qa | egrep 'libmirage|cdemu-daemon|vhba|cdemu'

After installation, I rebooted.

When I run the daemon, it bombs as follows:

# cdemu-daemon -b system -a alsa -n 2
Starting CDEmu daemon with following parameters:
 - num devices: 2
 - ctl device: /dev/vhba_ctl
 - audio driver: alsa
 - bus type: system

WARNING: using CDEmu on system bus is deprecated and might lead to security issues on multi-user systems! Consult the README file for more details.

cdemu0: Kernel I/O: failed to open control device /dev/vhba_ctl: No such file or directory!
cdemu: Daemon: failed to start device #0!
cdemu: Daemon: failed to create device!
Daemon initialization and start failed!

And of course, cdemu client dies:

# cdemu -b system add-device
ERROR: Failed to connect to CDEmu daemon: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name net.sf.cdemu.CDEmuDaemon was not provided by any .service files
ERROR: Failed to connect to daemon (bus: 'system')!

So, what's missing here?

What does the .cdemu-daemon.log show?

If it is a signing issue, this link may help:

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