On 01/28/2015 08:53 PM, Mickey wrote:
I have a Fedora 15 hard drive that crashed and I want save the Users files.

I have a Fedora 20 Live Cd on the computer and I can read the users home directory.

I want to do a tar -cvf on the Users home directory and temporyly store it on my PC until I do a complete install of fedora 20 on the crashed drive.

I'm going to remove the hard drive from the crashed computer to my PC and tar -cvf from there and tempory store the tar file there until I make the new install.

But what I'm concerned about is that Root will change the owner of the Tar files. after i do the new install it will have the same user on the crashed drive.

Then I will put the user files back onto the new Fedora 20 install.
Tar should preserve ownership. I suggest that before you untar user dirs,
you create those users in the new system, then untar the user dirs.

Good luck.

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