On 5 May 2015 at 19:57, Antonio Olivares <wingat...@inbox.com> wrote:
>> Well, I'd count the "systemd and docker don't work together well"
>> bit with some degree of skepticism. But, on the larger point:
>> Fedora doesn't strive to be bleeding edge. We strive to be the first to
>> offer the newest and best of _functional_ open source software. And
>> that's a hard balance to get right — sometimes, eager contributors and
>> developers get things into Fedora that _aren't_ quite ready. Other
>> times, we're too conservative.
>> But I also don't see systemd as a crux of this. Another hot new minimal
>> startup distribution, CoreOS, is _based around_ systemd.
>> In any case, the Fedora.next initiative
>> <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora.next> is an attempt to work on
>> this balance in new and different ways, with Fedora Cloud in particular
>> being a space for experimenting with some of these new concepts (as
>> that's sort of the incubation space for new OS technologies in the
>> world at large right now).
>>> Debian--> Devuan
>>> Fedora --> Fedoruan?
>> If you're interested in exploring a remix like that, see
>> <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Remix> (although note that "Fedoruan"
>> is probably not acceptable with our trademark guidelines).

> I do not know where I had seen CoreOS?  Maybe I confused it with Tiny Core?  
> At distrowatch, I had seen a distro based on Fedora
> http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20150427
> http://chapeaulinux.org/
> I am surprised that it has not gotten more coverage?  It is a Fedora Remix 
> too! , like old Fedora Remix by Rahul and one by Valent Turkovic.

No, this is CoreOS https://coreos.com/ see e.g.

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