if I issue the command dnf-2 migrate I get:

vim-minimal-7.4.475-2.fc20.x86_64 found in DNFDB; skipping
vlc-2.1.5-1.fc20.x86_64 found in DNFDB; skipping
vino-3.14.2-1.fc21.x86_64 found in DNFDB; skipping
vim-common-7.4.027-2.fc19.x86_64 found in DNFDB; skipping
vte291-0.38.3-1.fc21.x86_64 found in DNFDB; skipping
vim-enhanced-7.4.475-2.fc20.x86_64 found in DNFDB; skipping
3930 YUMDB records found, 0 migrated, 3930 skipped/preserved
Migrating groups data...
Yum command has been deprecated, use dnf instead.
See 'man dnf' and 'man yum2dnf' for more information.

Errore: Malformed yum output

Not very familiar with Dnf.What does it mean??
Antonio M
Skype: amontag52

Linux Fedora F22  on PcDesktop1

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