Hey folks,

I have been running Fedora 20 for a while with the KDE spin, works
great, but I thought, I might as well upgrade! What could possibly go
wring? Right? LOL. OK, so it was late and I was on my second glass of
wine, but REALLY?

I have a 6 core AMD with 8 Gig of memory
1 1Tera drive as / and 500M as /boot
1 256Gig Corsair SSD as /home
and a 2 port NVidia graphics card with two 27 inch monitors.

My video is split with the two monitors one over the other. When I
upgraded from Fedora 20 --> Fedora 22 my upper monitor worked fine but
the lower one was SNAFU, weird distorted squiggly lines and the mouse
would not go there no matter what I tried. I tried re-configuring it,
nada, wouldn't work.

When I did the install I did a full backup of /home and then told
install where to mount /, /boot, /home and swap, told Fedora to format
everything but /home as ext4

Anyone else see this?

I backed off to Fedora 21 which is working just fine

Gary B

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