On Mon, 2015-06-01 at 09:12 -0400, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On 06/01/2015 08:50 AM, Max Pyziur wrote:
> > It seems that my GDM is hosed also; I see that both gdm and lightdm 
> > are installed (per fedup); how do I make the adjustment? 
> > 
> > Thank you. 
> http://ask.systutorials.com/524/how-to-replace-gdm-with-lightdm-on
> -fedora
> # yum install lightdm lightdm-gtk
> Then, disable gdm service and make the lightdm service be started by 
> systemd
> # systemctl disable gdm.service
> # systemctl enable lightdm.service
> After rebooting your Fedora Linux, lightdm should be the dm.

You can also install system-switch-displaymanager and let that do it
for you.

dnf install system-switch-displaymanager

system-switch-displaymanager gdm or system-switch-displaymanager
lightdm or whichever want you want.

Reboot (not sure just logging off works) and should be using the one
you chose.

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"Best lil town on Earth!"

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