On 5/1/2013 1:56 PM, Frank Lanitz wrote:
Am 30.04.2013 15:11, schrieb Steve:
Windows 7, Geany 1.2.3. Canon MX890 and Lexmark E260n printers..

A couple of weeks ago, I installed a Canon MX980 printer. Afterwards,
Geany stopped printing to any printer. When I print a file from Geany, a
small pop up is displayed with the message "Preparing nnnnn" where nnn
is a increasing number.  in the Messages window, bottom right a flashing
message "Paginating". The print function never completes. The text in
the "Messages" window is:

08:52:50: Did not send document C:\Users\steve\Desktop\test.txt to the
printing subsystem.
08:52:50: Document C:\Users\steve\Desktop\test.txt was sent to the
printing subsystem.

Note++ and other editors print as expected to all printers.

I uninstalled and reinstalled Geany (geany-1.23_setup.exe
<http://download.geany.org/geany-1.23_setup.exe> - Full Installer
including GTK 2.16.).  The Cannon drivers are at the latest level.

Do you see any entry inside the logs of Windows?


Users mailing list

I cleared the logs then tried to print again.

I'm guessing the log entry was created when I cancelled the print job
as geany print function never completes.. I tried to start and stop
the print spooler with no change.



Event Viewer->Applications and Services->Microsoft->Windows->PrintService:

The document Geany.exe job #1, owned by steve, failed to print on printer Office. Try to print the document again, or restart the print spooler. Data type: NT EMF 1.008. Size of the spool file in bytes: 0. Number of bytes printed: 0. Total number of pages in the document: 0. Number of pages printed: 0. Client computer: \\SPARKS. Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 259. No more data is available.


+ System

  - Provider

   [ Name]  Microsoft-Windows-PrintService
   [ Guid]  {747EF6FD-E535-4D16-B510-42C90F6873A1}

   EventID 372

   Version 0

   Level 2

   Task 26

   Opcode 12

   Keywords 0x8000000000000840

  - TimeCreated

   [ SystemTime]  2013-05-01T18:55:48.628626300Z

   EventRecordID 289


  - Execution

   [ ProcessID]  1664
   [ ThreadID]  1112

   Channel Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Admin

   Computer sparks

  - Security

   [ UserID]  S-1-5-21-2077195339-1218154416-480313521-1002

- UserData

  - PrintOnProcFailedEd

   Param1 Geany.exe job #1

   Param2 steve

   Param3 Office

   Param4 NT EMF 1.008

   Param5 0

   Param6 0

   Param7 0

   Param8 0

   Param9 \\SPARKS

   Param10 259

   Param11 No more data is available.

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