Hi Martin,

Glad you like it.

I've tested it with the run-file so far. I'm still struggling with getting it to run in Sculpt. When that's ready, I'm happy to give it to the world.

Do you have some hints on how to 'mount' the pdf_share into the Sculpt-FS?

Cheers, Guido.

On 5/27/19 5:50 PM, Martin Stein wrote:
Hey Guido,

Thanks for sharing the outcome of your project with us!
I like the idea and think it solves a pretty common and practical problem.

I wonder, have you been able to integrate the 'launch_pdf_reader' as
deployable package into Sculpt? If yes, are you planning to publish it,
so other Sculpt users can give it a try too?


El 26/5/19 a las 22:54, Guido Witmond escribió:
Hi Genodians,

With some pride, I present the results of my Hack'n'Hike project:

My goal is to have a shared directory between a Linux VM and the Genode
environment. Whenever the linux world puts a PDF file into the shared
folder, a Genode process picks it up and starts a PDF viewer to render
it inside a Genode sandbox.

As there is no PDF rendering on Linux (or Windows VM, if that's your
thing), it eliminates parser bugs that could be used to attack a user.
These attacks abuse of the Ambient Authority model of Linux, also called
the Confused Deputy problem.

This makes pdf rendering on Linux as easy - and secure - as
''/bin/cp $PDF $SHARE''

The repo lives at: https://github.com/gwitmond/genode-launch-pdf-reader

With regards,


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