... one giant leap for a Genode enthusiast! ( OK, I exaggerated - it's not really a step for Genode at all, but it is a huge leap for me! ;^) )

After being extremely short of time for about a year, I finally used the 22.04 release to take my first steps toward using Genode as my daily driver OS, mainly by using VirtualBox 6 to run my existing VMs under Sculpt.

I still have some problems to work out before I can make the official transition, and I will probably have a fair number of "new user" questions here soon, but I am highly impressed with the state of the system. In the beginning, I will probably continue to do most tasks within the Linux VMs, but I am really looking forward to gradually shifting applications to running directly on Genode as they (or native alternatives) become available.

If any daily users have tips to share, I'll certainly be listening! (If I come up with anything helpful, I will try to write it up for Genodians also.) One thing I am very curious about is the state of the various packages in the depots - some of those look very intriguing!

The bottom line: Thanks to the Genode devs and community members for making this possible!

 Happy Sculpting!

  John J. Karcher

Genode users mailing list

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