Hello Divya,

On 4/13/23 05:55, Divya Sharma wrote:
While using the *javax.crypto.** library in a Java application,I got the following error [1] ,[2]saying that "Can not initialize the cryptographic mechanism". While inspecting the default policies got to know that permissions are already granted for all algorithms.
We also set those to unlimited in java code itself using the [3] and [4].
Still could not resolve the issue.Is there anything that we are missing out on?
kindly give some suggestions on it .

[1]java.lang.SecurityException: Can not initialize cryptographic mechanism
[2]java.lang.SecurityException: Can't read cryptographic policy directory: 
[3] Security.setProperty("crypto.policy", "unlimited");
[4] System.setProperty("java.security.properties","unlimited");

In [1] I see the following code:

! if (!Files.isDirectory(cryptoPolicyPath)
!   || !Files.isReadable(cryptoPolicyPath)) {
!     throw new SecurityException(
!       "Can't read cryptographic policy directory: " +
!        cryptoPolicyProperty);
! }

I would try to find out what "cryptoPolicyPath" is, what file is expected, and put the expected file at the right place in the run script (in the <vfs> node + boot modules).

[1] jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/crypto/JceSecurity.java.template



On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 6:49 PM Divya Sharma <divyasharma26...@gmail.com <mailto:divyasharma26...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks, Sebastian issue is resolved.

    I want to run simple java code using java binary into bash shell. To achieve
    it I figured out some modification to the separate run script
    user_shell_dev.run from  bash.run script .But those did not work load java
    vm in shell.
    While booting in Qemu i got the error [1] ,[3] also i am able to spawn a
    shell into the terminal but while running java in it got [2].
    It is not  able to initialize the vm to run java.
    Kindly suggest a way to achieve this  .

    [1][init -> java] Error occurred during initialization of VM
         init -> java] java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no zip in 
    [2]Error occurred during the initialization of vm.
    Unable to load zip lib "zip.lib.so <http://zip.lib.so>"

    [3][init -> /bin/bash -> 1] Error: ROM-session creation failed
    (ram_quota=6144, cap_quota=3, label="zip.lib.so <http://zip.lib.so>")


    On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 3:52 PM Sebastian Sumpf
    <sebastian.su...@genode-labs.com <mailto:sebastian.su...@genode-labs.com>>

        Hello Divya,

        On 4/8/23 07:45, Divya Sharma wrote:
         > While running the java.run script I got the following error
        [1]showing out of
         > memory allocation.
         > Kindly suggest the way to remove it rather than build all the 
         > dependencies and packages from scratch.
 out of memory allocating 9223372036854841471 bytes after a total of 696320 

        This looks like as if it happens when linking the boot modules of the 
        together. Maybe there are too many modules and something got too big? By
        size of the allocation clearly something did overflow, but it's hard to
        without the actual scenario. What did you change in the "java.run" 



         > On Wed, Apr 5, 2023 at 11:02 PM <ttco...@netcourrier.com
         > <mailto:ttco...@netcourrier.com <mailto:ttco...@netcourrier.com>>> 
         >>     Hello Genodians,
         >>     I am able to run java.run in virt_qemu-arm_v7a. The output is
        directed to
         >>     log [ stdout="/dev/log" ], is there a way to redirect the 
sdtout to
         >>     terminal [ stdout="/dev/terminal" ] instead of log?
         >     My two cents : the way I do it here is to modify the "config"
        scenario file
         >     this way:
         >     - keep stdout set to "/dev/log"
         >     - modify the routing to : <route> <service name="LOG"> <child
         >     name="terminal_log"> ...
         >     - add a terminal_log component
         >     - add a terminal component.
         >     It works for me... But if there is a way to specify
         >     instead, that might be of interest to me as well.
         >     Cedric
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-- Sebastian Sumpf
        Genode Labs

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Sebastian Sumpf
Genode Labs

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