The roadmap indeed makes quite clear that I’ll have to wait quite a bit with regard to WinForms, since I use many of the 2.0 features.
Thanks Jacques de Hooge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
what I understand System.Windows.Forms is not complete in Mono as of yet. You
might want to check out
for an idea of what mono currently can and can't do. On 1/17/06, J. de Hooge < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi,
I've written quite some code in IP using Forms (from .NET 2.0) on Windows, but I may have to port that to Linux for a customer. Currently I don't have a Linux machine at my disposal. Does anyone have experience with System.Windows.Forms under Mono? Is it compatible with Forms 2.0 under Windows? How complete/bugfree is it. Are things like drag&drop implemented properly? Is layout management o.k.?
In Windows I can just start a MSIL exe and it will be "interpreted" by the .NET VM , rather than directly run on the processor. Does it work the same on Mono, or do I first have to enter a specific "environment". How well do Mono apps mix with "regular" Linux apps?
And (sensitive question?) how mainstream is Mono, e.g. as compared to the Java platform?
Thanks for the trouble to be taken Jacques de Hooge
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