On 7/20/06, Bruce Christensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the nature of the dict that you're trying to save?

It's a <huge dict>
{4: [6, 4278, 44657, 30279, 58912, 67939, 18551, 33653, 28303, 6692,
4827, 110144, 18920, 15569, 11571, 77917, 7968, 10137, 14154, 33180,
12544, 54062, 159370, 9495], 11: [13, 12012, 2752, 97294, 26284,
11605], 17: [19], 23: [25, 3094, 119638, 38476], 29: [31, 3956, 25199,
3613, 62246, 89711, 276, 115528], 37: [39, 11431, 25255, 21317,

The numbers represent words/predicate nodes when they were first
indexed. This particular Dict references them in a forward index.
There is also a backwards index Dict in my project that stores the
array as the Key. For example:

{[6, 4278, 44657, 30279, 58912, 67939, 18551, 33653, 28303, 6692,
4827, 110144, 18920, 15569, 11571, 77917, 7968, 10137, 14154, 33180,
12544, 54062, 159370, 9495] : 4,...}

> How many
> elements does it have, and what data types are those elements?

On average it has around 132,000 keys, and ideally it should be able
to store more Keys.  I'm not really sure how big the largest array
Value gets.

> Maybe there's something we can do to improve pickle's performance for you.

Thanks, I'm sure it would benefit some others also.
Later, Joe
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