
  This release does not seem to include sources/tests. Is this
intentional, or it is
a bug ?


On 8/17/06, Dino Viehland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello IronPython Community,
> We have just released IronPython 1.0 RC2.  This build includes fixes for all
> known blocking issues against RC1, and we're anticipating that this build
> will be the same as 1.0 final unless we hear otherwise.  We're looking for
> any feedback, but in particular we'd like to know of any blocking issues
> discovered against this build or fundamental language incompatibilities.
> Please try out the latest build over the next 2 weeks and let us know if you
> encounter any issues as soon as possible.
> We'd like to thank everyone in the community for your bug reports and
> suggestions that helped make this a better release: Kevin Bjorke, Kevin Chu,
> Mark Rees, Stanislas Pinte, and Timothy Fitz.
> Thanks and keep in touch,
>  The IronPython Team
> More complete list of changes and bug fixes:
>  ============================================
> CodePlex bug 2199: ReflectedPackage exposes internal types
> Several exception handling fixes including issue with break in except block
> CodePlex 2014 - __getitem__ on old style classes cannot be called as x[1,2]
> CodePlex 2015 - list.__rmul__ returns Ops.NotImplemented for subclass of
> long
> CodePlex 2016 - Power with module on classes with __pow__ throws
> CodePlex 2023 - Cannot convert class whose __int__ returns long to int
> CodeDom reports file & line numbers based upon External Source information
> CodeDom auto-adds unknown namespaces to import list
> CodePlex 1752 - Issue with yield in finally
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1388 - TypeError when calling __init__ with keyword
> argument 'args'
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1886 - Powmod throws ValueError for large numbers
> BugFix: CodePlex 1887 - powmod is very slow for large numbers
> Bugfix: 1357 - MD5.Create call raises TypeError - multiple overloads
> conflict for static methods with same name in type hierarchy
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1393 - "get_DefaultFont() takes exactly -1 arguments (-1
> given)" when accessing static property with self (now a better error
> message)
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1361 - help() function in ironpython shows incorrect
> behavior
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1399 -Accessing generic methods requires use of explicit
> tuple syntax
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1694 -Issue with yield in finally
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1728 - ipy shows different output when we use   __new__
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1731 - __init__ replaces the dictionary
> Static type Compiler produces overflow exception with following script code
> in the web project integration with Visual Studio
> Winforms tutorial tweaks
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1417 - True division behaves differently for Execute and
> Evaluate on PythonEngine
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1468 - List items are different when i use the htmlparser
> Bugfix: CodePlex 1732 - ipy throws error instead of returning complex number
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