Hi all,

I'm happy to introduce the first release of bridge. A general purpose
XML library for Python and IronPython (and ultimately Jython).

bridge is very simple and light. It basically let you load an XML
document via a set of different parsers (xml.dom, Amara, lxml,
System.Xml) and creates a tree of Elements and Attributes before
releasing the parser resources.

This means that once the document is loaded it is independent from the
underlying parser.

bridge then provides a straightforward interface to navigate through the
tree and manipulate it.

bridge does not try to replace underlying XML engines but offer a common
API so that your applications are less dependent of those engines.
bridge offers a couple of other goodies however to play with the tree of
elements (see the documentation).

== Download ==

 * easy_install -U bridge
 * Tarballs http://www.defuze.org/oss/bridge/
 * svn co https://svn.defuze.org/oss/bridge/

== Documentation ==


Hope this will help a few people in working with XML without worrying on
which engine they choose to use.

Have fun,
-- Sylvain Hellegouarch
users mailing list

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