Running IPCE r4 built against Mono 1.2.2 it seems that, in fact, the problem
still exists *UNLESS* you run ipy with -X:TabCompletion, which seems to
cause everything to behave properly.

Building IP 1.1a from source results in the following error,

IronPython/Modules/socket.cs(326,48): error CS0117:
`System.Net.Sockets.Socket' does not contain a definition for
IronPython/Modules/socket.cs(326,24): error CS0117:
`System.Net.Sockets.Socket' does not contain a definition for

So at the moment I can't verify if the same problem exists when the source
is compiled against Mono, though running against the factory binaries
results in the same behavior as above (both the problem and the fix.)

On 12/13/06, Anthony Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12/13/06, Miguel de Icaza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> > IPCE on Mono 1.1.17 works really nicely in interactive mode. Backspace
> > works, ^D to exit works, the lot. On 1.2.2, however, it's a world of
> > broken. Backspace is just insane, ^D stopped working again... it's
> > pretty much unusable. I'm not sure whether this is a Mono bug (in
> > which case it should be logged) or a problem with the IPCE code. Can
> > you provide a more informed opinion?
> I wonder if IPCE has any patches in the Console area in addition to
> standard IronPython, because we recently fixed the Console to work
> properly with IronPython (stock).

I'm not sure what you mean by "recently" - but in 1.2.2, it's still
broken with stock ipy.exe, under both xterm and gnone-terminal.

There's one patch that's in FePy that turns off the coloured console
output, but I don't see that causing this. See
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