On 6/3/07, Curt Hagenlocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/3/07, John J Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > "This is not a case of some accidental, unknowing infringement,"
> > > Gutierrez asserts. "There is an overwhelming number of patents being
> > > infringed."
> This is a public statement made purely for PR purposes and probably
> shouldn't be used to imply anything about real-world law.

i'm a great fan of iron python, and am thrilled that microsoft happens
to be using python as the front-line example (trial case?) for select
application of open-ish software development.  that said, it seems
downright blithe to dismiss blatant threats as mere PR.

such threats are analogous to the leaders of one country making claims
to a neighboring country's territory - sabre rattling, indeed.  (the
overlap of the "property" theme, physical vs. intellectual, is no
accident.)  whether or not such threats are intended to be followed by
action, they have serious consequences.   i also wouldn't rely on
wisdom to prevent misguided follow-through on such threats - history
has plenty of counter-examples, where everybody loses.  i'd be nervous
about such posturing, even when i wasn't part of the culture in the

all *that* said, i wouldn't see any of this as reasons to feel exposed
to a patent litigation risk when it comes to iron python.

from a purely power-politics perspective, fepy seems to be as
indemnified as you can get, with the weight of the 800 lb gorilla
behind it.  i gather that microsoft has sometimes been unkind to their
third party developers, but there seems to be some safe ground to
stick with, here, there's alignment of motives.  if i understand their
model, it's in MS's interest to grow and sustain a public community of
developers using languages built on the DLR.

it sure is interesting to see this all unfold.  (thanks, jim and co.!)
ken manheimer
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