On Jan 4, 2008 3:26 PM, Dino Viehland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Then the ScriptRuntime would ask the
> host to load the ScriptScope and depending on the host it'd search the web
> server, the file system, the database, etc… for the appropriately named
> file, and load it with the appropriate engine.

So it would be the host that would both load the source and determine
the engine, and the default Pythonic behavior (for the Python engine)
would be available by using a "standard Python host"?

> PublishModule (I suspect you mean it's on ScriptEngine)

No, I'm using it on ScriptDomainManager.CurrentManager -- I don't see
one implemented on ScriptEngine in the latest drop.

There's a bug in ScriptDomainManager.GetPublishedModules that I've
started running into; guess I'll post it to Codeplex.

Curt Hagenlocher
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