Hello all,

I thought I would let you know about a new project I have started and 
will be hacking on as and when I have time:



An implementation of the BCL and other .NET libraries in pure Python 
(for porting IronPython code to CPython).

The main goal of this project is to allow Resolver One spreadsheets 
exported as code to run under CPython. I will implement the .NET classes 
needed for this, but this project should be helpful for anyone wanting 
to run IronPython code under CPython.

Anyone who might find this useful is welcome to help of course. :-)

Nothing there yet, but I hope to get a unit test framework checked in 
today so that I can start.

I will be starting with partial implementations of Array, DateTime, 
Color, Point and friends (the 'low hanging fruit').

All the best,

Michael Foord
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