Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
> On Feb 4, 2008 11:07 AM, Michael Foord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
>>> The assemblies call into the IronPython engine (version 2) to load and
>>> execute the script.  Currently, the script is loaded from the file
>>> system, but I'd eventually like to support embedding any
>>> required scripts as resources in the assembly, so that the whole thing
>>> can be distributed as a single neat package.
>> Great - you beat me to it. :-)
>> If you make this open source then I'll be happy to help on it.
> I'm thinking of putting it on Codeplex.  Be warned that I prefer ILGenerator 
> to
> CodeDOM, probably because I'm reliving the glory years of assembly language
> programming. "6502 4eva!" :)

Ouch. :-)

Although in my case it was 68000 forever (truly beautiful CPU - based 
appreciated inside an Amiga). I'd love to learn more about generating IL 
- although it does make the learning curve steeper (I have tinkered but 
nothing more).

> The current implementation is written in Python.
I would recommend leaving it in Python unless you have compelling 
reasons to rewrite...

I'm sure you will - but when you get it up on CodeDOM post an 
announcement here so that I can blog about it.

This is great news as it fills one 'missing piece of the puzzle' when it 
comes to integrating IronPython with other .NET languages.


> --
> Curt Hagenlocher
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