Two more possibilities which are little less ugly:
        1. AddReference to the fully qualified type name including strong name
        2. The bits at - I'm told we should 
recognize the assemblies for you with some changes made there

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 8:52 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Silverlight 2 Controls

This is a horrible workaround but I think it should work.  You can create the 
object in XAML, then get the XAML and find the object, then call 
GetType().Assembly on it, and then pass that off to clr.AddReference.

I'll follow up with the Silverlight guys on our team to make sure we can do 

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 5:22 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Silverlight 2 Controls

Dino Viehland wrote:
> Importing I haven't actually tried, I've only used those controls from XAML.  
> But you might be able to do clr.AddReference once it's in your manifest and 
> then be able to import.  If that works I think it's something we can probably 
> make automatic.
If I add them to the manifest *and* add the following magic to the XAML
then I can read them from XAML:



I *really* do want to use these from code though. I tried both of the
following forms to add references to the new assemblies:

import clr
from System.Windows.Controls import Button

import clr
clr.AddReference('System.Windows.Controls, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null')
clr.AddReference('System.Windows.Controls.Extended, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null')
from System.Windows.Controls import Button

Both raised the following exception:

IOException: Could not add reference to assembly System.Windows.Controls

Any further suggestions?


> ________________________________________
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Foord [EMAIL 
> Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 1:09 PM
> To: Discussion of IronPython
> Subject: Re: [IronPython] Silverlight 2 Controls
> Dino Viehland wrote:
>> This comes back to the manifest mentioned in the previous question.  You can 
>> update the manfiest to contain the additional assemblies which are included 
>> w/ the Silverlight SDK.  Those assemblies will get loaded allowing the XAML 
>> to parse.
> If I add the following to the XML manifest:
>     <AssemblyPart x:Name="System.Windows.Controls.Data"
> Source="System.Windows.Controls.Data.dll" />
>     <AssemblyPart x:Name="System.Windows.Controls"
> Source="System.Windows.Controls.dll" />
>     <AssemblyPart x:Name="System.Windows.Controls.Extended"
> Source="System.Windows.Controls.Extended.dll" />
> (Taken from the Silveright controls examples) I *still* can't import
> WatermarkTextBox or Button... I know that it is using this manifest
> because errors in it are reported - or crash IE! :-o
> Any other suggestions?
> Michael
> htt://
>> ________________________________________
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Foord [EMAIL 
>> Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 7:15 AM
>> To: Discussion of IronPython
>> Subject: [IronPython] Silverlight 2 Controls
>> Hello all,
>> I'm adapting a Silverlight 2 controls example for IronPython. It is
>> based on:
>> It seems that the shiny new controls, like Button, ToggleButton,
>> WatermarkedTextBox (etc) don't come 'out of the box' with Silverlight2.
>>  From downloading this example I can see the example includes several
>> dlls - presumably ones that *extend* System.Windows.Controls.
>> As a result XAML that uses elements like these throws parse errors with
>> not-recognised elements. I have these dlls - how do I add them to my
>> IronPython project? If I just add a reference to
>> 'System.Windows.Controls' will it use the new dlls?
>> Thanks
>> Michael
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