Sounds waaay too easy :P.

In the long run, I'd prefer that we implement only the "C" part of these
modules and share the Python part with CPython.  But this is not only a
potentially breaking change, it also would require modification to the
standard library for at least the "socket" module.
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Michael Foord <>wrote:

> Dino Viehland wrote:
>> I think this behavior is currently by design because we're using
>> sys.meta_path which does take precedence over the built-in modules. We could
>> switch to using sys.path_hooks in 2.1 or 3.0 if the consensus is this
>> behavior in undesirable (which would also give control over when
>> pre-compiled modules take precedence over other places on sys.path).
>> Personally I'm +0 to make the change but this would probably break the other
>> recently reported behavior w/ combinations on disk as .py files &
>> precompiled files J
>> Another suggestion is that you stop including these unneeded modules in
> the version of the standard library shipped with the IronPython 2 installer.
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