It sounds like you're hitting a bug in the codedom round tripping support.  
IronPython Studio is really more of a sample and leaves much to be desired so 
it's likely you'll hit many more.  Michael Foord who has done tons of winforms 
development I believe recommends designing it in C# and then you can just 
subclass that from Python.

[] On Behalf Of Mohammed Khan
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 8:56 AM
Subject: [IronPython] question about code <-> designer transitions

Hi folks,

I just started using iron python studio a couple of days ago, so this may be a 
newbie question:

>From the code view, I added some code to the __init__ method, and some code to 
>the initializecomponent method, when I go to the designer and change something 
>(for eg the tabindex of a control) and go back to code view, I get one of two 

1.       The code I typed disappears, the other code remains intact.

2.       The __init__ method only contains a pass, ie it removes the call to 
initializecomponent.. this of course causes the app to come up with an empty 
form if I run it..

I appreciate any help on this matter,


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