This will work for print statements inside the module, but not for
prints coming from arbitrary imported functions. I can't see how to
achive the separation without walking stack on each print.

On Jan 31, 2:45 am, Dino Viehland <> wrote:
> Can you run each document on its own thread?
> Oh, it also looks like we actually flow CodeContext through to the caller.  
> So you could do something like:
> class MyFile {
>         public void write(CodeContext context, string data) {
>                 Scope curScope = context.Scope;         // this gives you the 
> module you're running in
>                 // handle write here keyed off of the scope object
>         }
> }
> And replace sys.stdout with that.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jeff Slutter
> Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 6:41 PM
> To: Discussion of IronPython
> Subject: Re: [IronPython] Redirecting stdout/stderr, but with context
> Dino Viehland wrote:
> > You can always provide your own stream which is aware of what the 
> > currentoutputwindow is.  It could store this in a thread static or just 
> > some variable that you update whenever the active window changes.  You can 
> > set that via ScriptRuntime.IO.OutputStream.  You could conceptually do the 
> > exact same thing from Python just by setting sys.stdout to a file-like 
> > object which knows what the currentoutputwindow is.
> This is what I'm doing right now and that's where I'm having my problem.
>    I don't think this is a solvable problem since theoutputstream is
> shared by all ScriptScopes, just as theoutputstream for
> System.Console.WriteLine is the same across the process.
> In a nutshell, I have this:
> class Document
> {
>   void AppendOutput( string text )
>   {
>     m_buffer.Add(text);
>   }
>   List<string> m_buffer;
> }
> class ConsoleWindow: Form
> {
>    public void WriteOutput( string text, Document doc )
>    {
>       doc.AppendOutput( text );
>       if( doc == m_currentDisplayingDoc )
>       {
>          textBox.Text += text;
>       }
>    }
> }
> class DocWriter
> {
>   public DocWriter( ConsoleWindow console, Document doc )
>   {
>     m_console = console;
>     m_document = doc;
>   }
>   public void write(string text)
>   {
>     m_console.WriteOutput( text, m_document );
>   }
>   ConsoleWindow m_console;
>   Document m_document;
> }
> void OnDocumentActivate(Document doc)
> {
>   DocWriter writer = new DocWrite(guiConsole, doc);
>   object sysObj = doc.scope.GetVariable("sys");
>   m_engine.Operations.SetMember(sysObj, "stdout", writer);
>   m_engine.Operations.SetMember(sysObj, "stderr", writer);
> }
> The problem is:
> If there is a script running on DocumentA, that is streamingoutput, and
> then I switch to DocumentB while DocumentA continues to run - theoutput
> for DocumentA starts appearing in the console window for DocumentB as if
> it was for B. This is because sysout is system wide and if I change it
> while DocumentA is writing, then it starts outputting to the new stream
> that was set (and that was registered with DocumentB).
> -Jeff
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