Thank you for your quick response.

I tried doing what you asked me.
I added the following to the engine code:

ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine();
engine.SetSearchPaths(new string[] { "C:\\Program Files\\IronPython-2.0.1\\Lib\\", "C:\\Python25\\Lib\\" });

When I run the following python code:

import sys
import threading

It prints out:
['C:\\Program Files\\IronPython-2.0.1\\Lib\\', 'C:\\Python25\\Lib\\']

Still it crashes with the same message:
"No module named thread"

When I go into the "C:\Program Files\IronPython-2.0.1\Lib\" I find the following:
   import thread
except ImportError:
   del _sys.modules[__name__]

I am wondering that maybe it is not finding "thread" because I am using C# and the "thread" is a C library...

Also when I try to run "import time" it also complains that module time doesn't exist. This is true cause there is no in the Lib folder. Maybe I have a faulty install or not the complete Python installed in my computer?

Jonatan Nilsson

Michael Foord wrote:
These libraries you are attempting to import are Python standard library modules. To import them you must have the Python standard library available - and on sys.path for the engine being used to do the imports.

You set sys.path programattically using engine.SetSearchPaths (?) passing in an array of strings.

All the best,

Michael Foord

BlackMan890 wrote:
Hi there.

this has probably been answered before but I cant seem to find the answer. When I run "import time" in python through IronPython using C#, an exception
occurs with the message: "no module named time".
The same thing happens when I run "import threading" except with a different
exception: "No module named thread"

Why am I encountering there problems?

Jonatan Nilsson

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