This is awesome. Web application can benefit from this "adaptive
compilation" approach a lot - especially for low trafficked sites.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Giles Thomas <> wrote:

> Dave,
> This is great news, congratulations to the IP team on this release! We'll
> do a test-port of Resolver One early next week and will reply to the list
> with any issues we find.
> Cheers,
> Giles
> Dave Fugate wrote:
>  Hello Python Community,
>> We’re pleased to announce the release of IronPython 2.6 Alpha 1. As you
>> might imagine, this release is all about supporting new CPython 2.6 features
>> such as the ‘bytes’ and ‘bytearray’ types (PEP 3112), decorators for classes
>> (PEP 3129), advanced string formatting (PEP 3101), etc. The minimum .NET
>> version required for this release is the same as IronPython 2.0; namely .NET
>> 2.0 Service Pack 1. Unlike the 2.0 series of IronPython, we plan to release
>> only a couple Alphas and Betas of IronPython 2.6. As such, it’s key that we
>> get your feedback on the release(s) quickly to incorporate requested
>> changes.
>> Besides CPython 2.6 features, another significant change in this release
>> is that ipy.exe now uses “adaptive compilation” by default. Adaptive
>> compilation is a technique in which IronPython:
>> 1. Interprets and executes Python method calls up to /N/ times for a given
>> method. If you’re only going to execute a method a few times, it’s typically
>> faster to interpret the method instead of compiling and executing it
>> 2. Compiles and executes the Python method call on the /N+1/ invocation of
>> the method. Compilation of a Python method is a heavyweight operation, but
>> we can reuse the result for subsequent invocations
>> 3. Reuses the previously compiled method for new calls to the Python
>> method. This operation is much faster than interpreting the method call as
>> the method was already compiled in the previous step
>> The reason for this change is that it provides a nice performance gain for
>> Python code containing lots of functions/methods that only get called a few
>> times. All this said, this feature is still undergoing active development
>> and as a consequence some Python scripts may actually run slower with it
>> turned on. For this reason, our old default mode of running Python scripts
>> is still available by passing the –O or -D flags to ipy.exe. Any feedback on
>> how this new feature affects your IronPython applications performance-wise
>> would be greatly appreciated.
>> There’s also a few minor changes since IronPython 2.0.1 that are worth
>> calling out here:
>> · IronPython.msi now installs NGEN’ed binaries by default
>> · IronPython.msi now offers a little more selection with respect to what
>> you’d like to install. For example, Silverlight templates are optional
>> · The default installation location of IronPython.msi no longer indicates
>> whether the 2.6 release is an Alpha, Beta, or a patched release. Future
>> IronPython 2.6 installations will replace previous 2.6 releases which will
>> be uninstalled automatically
>> · The -X:PreferComInteropAssembly flag has been removed. All COM interop
>> is now done through normal COM dispatch
>> You can download IronPython 2.6 Alpha 1 at:
>> The IronPython Team
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