Hello all,

Another update to the PI file generator for .NET objects.

This one adds return type annotations for methods. It means that if you do something like:

   from System import Guid
   g = Guid.NewGuid()

Wing knowsthat "g" is a Guid and provides the correct auto-complete members for it. This is *great*. See previous instructions on how to use the script. It now takes quite a *long* time to generate all 90 PI files. :-)

There is a caveat with this currently:

Many methods return types that are defined in other namespaces (especially types defined in System). Because those types are in another PI file, Wing doesn't recognise them. I'll work out how to fix this ("from System import *" at the top of each PI file might catch most cases).

Secondly return types can currently return things like Array[int]() the indexing will cause Wing to effectively ignore the return type - so I should change this to Array().

Still - getting there step-by-step and this is already enormously useful to me. I'm currently using a truly horrible regular expression to pull the return type out of the docstring...

I'll write this all up into a proper 'HOWTO: IronPython in Wing' once I have time.

All the best,


Michael Foord wrote:
Hello all,

Attached is an updated script for generating PI files to provide autocomplete on standard .NET objects.

It now handles all the standard .NET member types (including static properties, enumeration fields, indexers, events and so on).

It also recurses into sub-namespaces generating new pi-files for all of them.

This script is hardcoded to add references to, and then generate PI files for:


It generates 90 pi files (90 namespaces) taking up 24mb! The autocomplete it provides is awesome though. :-)

I had to do a fair bit of violence to the standard generate_pi.py script so I *doubt* it is desirable to merge it back in. Obviously very happy for this to be included with Wing if you want, or merged if you think it is worth it. Is it ok for me to offer this for download from my site? If I make further changes I will email this list.

The big thing to add is the return type for methods.

Is it possible to specify return types for properties? (Currently any attribute without an obvious parallel in Python I have turned into a property in the PI files).

The only real caveat with the current script (that I am aware of - bug reports and contributions welcomed) is that None is a common enumeration field member. This is invalid syntax in Python, so I rename these to None_.

There are quite a few minor changes sprinkled through the code - plus the __main__ part of the script is very different. I have tried to mark changes with a # CHANGE: comment, but it should be relatively amenable to diffing anyway...

For reference I was using IronPython 2.0.1, with .NET 3.5 installed and Wing 3.2beta 1.

All the best,

Michael Foord

Michael Foord wrote:
Hello all,

I've created a modified version of the 'generate_pi.py' which generates the interface files for .NET libraries. It is attached.

At the moment it generates PI files for the following assemblies / namespaces (hardwired at the bottom of the code):


To run it, create a new directory and add this to the 'Interface File Path' (File menu -> Preferences -> Source Analysis -> Advanced -> Insert).

Then from the command line switch to this directory (if you are on Vista you will need to run cmd with admin privileges due to a defect explained below). Execute the command:

   ipy generate_pi_for_net.py

This generates the pi files. It doesn't work *as well* on 64 bit windows because the .NET XML help files (or whatever they are called) are in a different location so the docstrings are not always available - which is why I am not just distributing the pi files yet.

The script doesn't yet understand static properties on classes - so it actually *fetches* static properties rather than looking at the descriptor (which is available in the class __dict__ so should be easy to fix). This is what causes inadvertent registry lookups etc and therefore requires admin privileges.

It doesn't yet understand multiple overloads. This may require a change to Wing or may not matter.

It isn't yet able to do anything with the information about return types - which would allow Wing to know the type of objects returned by methods. This may be easy to add?

It is late so I am going to bed. At some point I will explain the simple changes I had to make to the standard generate_pi.py script (although they are mostly straightforward). I will also do further work on it as it will be very useful to me...

All the best,



Wing IDE users list


Wing IDE users list


""" generate_pi.py -- Generate Python interface by inspecting a module
                      at runtime

Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Archaeopteryx Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Written by John P. Ehresman and Stephan R.A. Deibel

Simple utility to generate a python interface file from inspecting a module
at run time.  First argument is the name of the module.  Subsequent arguments
are name:expression pairs -- a class with given name will be created in the
interface file with methods & attributes matching the methods & attributes
of the object that results from the expression. The expression will be 
evaluated within the context of the module. The interface will be written
to stdout.

This contains some code specific to Python standard library code because it
parses the docstring standards used there to determine information about
return values. However, it works also with code that does not contain those
type hints in docstrings (but return value type cannot be determined).


# IMPORTANT:  This code has to run under all Python versions!

import sys
import os
import string
import stat
  import inspect
  inspect = None

  ascii_letters = string.ascii_letters
  ascii_letters = string.letters
version = ((sys.hexversion & 0xff000000) >> 24,
           (sys.hexversion & 0x00ff0000) >> 16)

def string_split(s, sep=' '):
  return s.split(sep)
def string_join(s, sep):
  return sep.join(s)
def string_find(s, t):
  return s.find(t)
def string_strip(s):
  return s.strip()
def string_replace(s, f, t, count=-1):
  return s.replace(f, t, count)
def string_lower(s):
  return s.lower()
def string_rfind(s, x):
  return s.rfind(x)
def has_key(o, key):
  if version >= (3, 0):
    return key in o
    return o.has_key(key)
if version >= (3, 0):
  def callable(o):
    return hasattr(o, '__call__')
if version[0] == 1:
  printable_chars = 
  printable_chars = string.printable
kOneLevelIndent = '  '
kNoValue = []

kStringTypes = [type('')]
import types
  kStringTypes = types.StringTypes
kLiteralTypes = [type(1), type(1.0), type(None)]
kStructureTypes = [type([]), type(()), type({})]
kFileTypes = [type(sys.stdout)]
if version >= (3, 0):
  kListType = type([])
  kTupleType = type(())
  kDictType = type({})
  kListType = types.ListType
  kTupleType = types.TupleType
  kDictType = types.DictType
# Property support contributed by Nigel Rowe, Aug 10, 2007
kPropertyTypes = []
import types
  # types.GetSetDescriptorType only exists in python versions >= 2.5
  # and would otherwise need to be extracted from an extension module

# Types of type, old-style class -- use C api names to be a bit clearer
PyType_Type = type(type(''))
class _OldStyleClass:
PyClass_Type = type(_OldStyleClass)
del _OldStyleClass
kClassLikeTypes = [PyType_Type, PyClass_Type]

def WriteDocString(obj, file, indent):
  """ Writes doc string for object if there is one. """
  quote = '"""'

  doc = getattr(obj, '__doc__', None)
  if doc == None:
  # CHANGE: replace windows newlines in docstrings
  doc = doc.replace('\r\n', '\n')
    # CHANGE: in IronPython all strings are unicode
    is_unicode = not isinstance(doc, str)
    is_unicode = 0

  doc_parts = string_split(doc, '\n')
  for i in range(0, len(doc_parts)):
    line_repr = repr(doc_parts[i])
    if string_lower(line_repr[:1]) == 'u':
      line_repr = line_repr[1:]
    line_repr = line_repr[1:-1]
    line_parts = string_split(line_repr, quote)
    line_repr = string_join(line_parts, '\\' + quote)
    if i != 0:
      line_repr = indent + line_repr
    doc_parts[i] = line_repr

  doc = string_join(doc_parts, '\n')
  if is_unicode:
    file.write(indent + 'u%s %s %s\n' % (quote, doc, quote))
    file.write(indent + '%s %s %s\n' % (quote, doc, quote))
def NextNonBlank(doc, i):
  for j in range(i, len(doc)):
    if doc[j] not in ' \t\r\n':
      return j
  return -1
def FindFirstLine(doc):
  paren_count = 0
  bracket_count = 0
  brace_count = 0
  first_line = ''
  seen_chars = 0
  i = 0
  while i < len(doc):
    c = doc[i]
    if c == '(':
      paren_count = paren_count + 1
    elif c == '[':
      bracket_count = bracket_count + 1
      next_pos = NextNonBlank(doc, i+1)
      if doc[next_pos] == ',':
        first_line = first_line + ', ['
        i = next_pos + 1
    elif c == '{':
      brace_count = brace_count + 1
    elif c == ')':
      paren_count = paren_count - 1
    elif c == ']':
      bracket_count = bracket_count - 1
      next_pos = NextNonBlank(doc, i+1)
      if doc[next_pos] == '[':
        first_line = first_line + '], ['
        i = next_pos + 1
        bracket_count = bracket_count + 1
    elif c == '}':
      brace_count = brace_count - 1
    elif c in (' \t\r\n') and not seen_chars:
      i = i + 1
    elif c == '\n':
      if paren_count + bracket_count + brace_count == 0:
        return string_join(string_split(first_line), ' ')
        i = i + 1
    seen_chars = 1
    first_line = first_line + c
    i = i + 1
  return string_join(string_split(first_line), ' ')

def ValidArgName(n):
  if len(n) == 0:
    return 0
  if n[0] not in '_' + ascii_letters:
    return 0
  for c in n[1:]:
    if c not in ascii_letters + string.digits + '_':
      return 0
  return 1
def GetCallableSignature(obj):
  doc = getattr(obj, '__doc__', None)  
  if doc is None:
    return '', 'pass'

  return _GetCallableSignature(doc)

# CHANGE: custom _GetCallableSignature for IronPython
def X_GetCallableSignature(doc):
    return __GetCallableSignature(doc)
    import traceback
    sys.stderr.write("Error parsing call signature from docstring:\n")
    etype, evalue, etb = sys.exc_info()
    sys.stderr.write(string_join(traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, 
etb), '\n'))
    return '', 'pass'

import re
ret_val_re = re.compile(r'^(?: )?([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\[\]_]*) .*\(.*\)') # 
def _GetCallableSignature(doc):
  a, b = X_GetCallableSignature(doc)
  if b != 'pass':
    return a, b
  mat = ret_val_re.match(doc)
  if mat is None:
    return a, 'pass'
  ret_val = 'return ' + mat.groups()[0] + '()'
  print >>sys.stderr, '#### Generating return value of', ret_val
  return a, ret_val

def __GetCallableSignature(doc):  
  doc = string_replace(doc, '\r\n', '\n')
  doc = string_replace(doc, '\r', '\n')

  # Find the argument and return value spec in the docstring
  first_line = FindFirstLine(doc)
  #sys.stdout.write("FIRSTLINE %s" % str(first_line))
  args = None

  # Sometimes in form "spec -- comment" but also sometimes use --> or <==> 
instead of ->
  first_line = string_replace(first_line, '-->', '->')
  first_line = string_replace(first_line, '<==>', '->')
  if string_find(first_line, '--') >= 0:
    if string_find(first_line, '->') > 0:
      first_line = first_line[:string_find(first_line, '--')]
      first_line = string_replace(first_line, '--', '->', 1)
  if string_find(first_line, '->') >= 0:
    parts = string_split(first_line, '->')
    if len(parts) == 2:
      args, ret = parts
  elif string_find(first_line, '=') > 0:
    _parts = string_split(first_line, '=')
    parts = []
    for part in _parts:
    if len(parts) > 0 and string_find(parts[0], ' ') == -1:
      ret = parts[0]
      args = string_join(parts[1:], '=')
      lparen = string_find(args, '(')
      rparen = string_find(args, ')')
      if len(args) > 2 and lparen >= 0 and rparen > lparen:
        args = args[lparen+1:rparen]
  elif string_find(first_line, '(') >= 0:
    args = first_line
    ret = ''
  if args is None:
    lines = string_split(doc, '\n')
    if len(lines) == 1:
      return '', 'pass'
      return _GetCallableSignature(string_join(lines[1:], '\n'))

  # Extract arg spec from parenthesis
  lparen = string_find(args, '(')
  rparen = string_rfind(args, ')')
  if lparen >= 0 and rparen > lparen:
    args = args[lparen+1:rparen]
  # Parse each argument
  arglist = string_split(args, ',')
  parsed_args = []
  arg_count = 0
  seen_defaults = 0
  for i in range(0, len(arglist)):
    arg = string_strip(arglist[i])
    if string_find(arg, '=') > 0:
      seen_defaults = 1

    # Remove and count []'s indicating optional args
    fixed_arg = ''
    for c in arg:
      if c == '[':
        seen_defaults = 1
      elif c == ']':
        fixed_arg = fixed_arg + c
    arg = string_strip(fixed_arg)
    arg = string_replace(arg, '-', '_')
    # Remove surrounding quote seen in some cases for no apparent reason
    if len(arg) > 2 and arg[0] in ('"', "'") and arg[-1] == arg[0]:
      arg = arg[1:-1]

    # Sometimes there's an extra comma; treat as anonymous arg
    if len(arg) == 0:
      arg = 'arg'
    # An optional argument of some type with default value or * or **
    if seen_defaults:

      # Rest of args
      if arg == '...':
        arg = '*args'
      # Verbal description:  Create appropriate generic arg
      elif string_find(arg, ' ') >= 0:
        if string_find(arg, 'optional') == 0 and i == len(arglist) - 1:
          if seen_defaults:
            arg = '**argv'
            arg = '*argv'
          arg = 'arg%i=None' % arg_count
          seen_defaults = 1
          arg_count = arg_count + 1
      # Actual arg name -- add default if appropriate
      elif string_find(arg, '=') == -1 and arg[0] != '*':
        arg = arg + '=None'
        seen_defaults = 1

    elif arg == '...':
      seen_defaults = 1
      arg = '*args'
    # Use generic arg name if specified but not parseable
    elif len(arg) > 0 and not ValidArgName(arg):
      arg = 'arg%i' % arg_count
      arg_count = arg_count + 1
    if len(arg) > 0:

  # Build return specification
  retval = BuildReturnSpec(ret)
  if retval == '':
    retval = 'pass'
    retval = 'return ' + retval

  return string_join(parsed_args, ', '), retval

def BuildReturnSpec(ret):
  ret = string_strip(ret)
  if len(ret) > 2 and ((ret[0] == '(' and ret[-1] == ')') or
                       (ret[0] == '[' and ret[-1] == ']') or
                       (ret[0] == '{' and ret[-1] == '}')):
    if string_find(ret, '...') >= 0:
      retval = ret[0] + ret[-1]
      ret_items = string_split(ret[1:-1], ',')
      fixed_items = []
      for item in ret_items:
        item = string_replace(string_strip(item), ' ', '_')
        item = string_replace(item, '-', '_')
      ret = ret[0] + string_join(fixed_items, ', ') + ret[-1]
      retval = ret
  elif string_find(ret, 'tuple') >= 0:
    retval = '()'
  elif string_find(ret, 'list') >= 0:
    retval = '[]'
  elif string_find(ret, 'dict') >= 0:
    retval = '{}'
  elif string_find(ret, 'str') >= 0:
    retval = '""'
  elif string_find(ret, 'file') >= 0:
    if version[0] == 1 or (version[0] == 2 and version[1] < 2):
      retval = '__FileObject()'
      retval = 'file(__file__)'
  elif string_find(ret, 'socket') >= 0:
    retval = 'SocketType()'
  elif string_find(ret, 'int') >= 0:
    retval = '1'
  elif string_find(ret, 'float') >= 0:
    retval = '1.0'
  elif len(ret) > 0:
    retval = 'None'
    retval = ''
  return retval

kOmitTopLevel = ('__doc__', '__class__', '__new__', '__file__', '__name__', 

def ValidName(scope, name):
  if len(name) < 5:
    return 1
  if len(scope) == 1 and name in kOmitTopLevel:
    return 0
  if name[:2] == '__' and name[-2:] == '__':
    name = name[2:-2]
    if len(scope) > 1:
      return name == 'init'
      return 1
    return 1
def GetValue(obj, slot, default):
  if type(obj) == type({}):
    return obj.get(slot, default)
    return getattr(obj, slot, default)
def HasValue(obj, slot):
  if type(obj) == type({}):
    return has_key(obj, slot)
    return hasattr(obj, slot)
def ValueItems(obj):
  if type(obj) == type({}):
    return obj.keys()
  elif type(obj) in kClassLikeTypes or type(obj) == types.ModuleType:
    return dir(obj)
    return ()

def IsClassLike(val):
  for base in kClassLikeTypes:
    if isinstance(val, base):
      return 1
  return 0

def IsFunctionOrMethod(val):
  return not IsClassLike(val) and callable(val)

def GenForObject(scope, overrides, overrides_file, obj, file, seen_vals, indent 
= '', use_inspect=0):

  # Use __all__ attrib if obj is a module
  name_list = None
  if isinstance(obj, type(sys)):
    name_list = getattr(obj, '__all__', None)
  elif type(obj) == type({}):
    name_list = obj.keys()

  print >> sys.stderr, '**** generating', repr(obj)
  if name_list == None:
    # Try - except to workaround IronPython bugs
      name_list = dir(obj)
    except SystemError:
      name_list = []

  last_val = kNoValue
  num_written = 0
  for name in name_list:

    if type(obj) == type({}):
      val = obj[name]
      # CHANGE: Support .NET class property descriptors
      val = obj.__dict__.get(name)
      if val is None:
        val = getattr(obj, name, None)
    # CHANGE: 'None' is a valid .NET (and IronPython) member name
    if name == 'None':
      name = 'None_'
    # support nested namespaces
    if type(val) == namespaceType:
      subname = modname + '.' + val.__name__
      if subname not in modnames and subname not in done:
        print >>sys.stderr, '*** Adding nested namespace', subname
    if ValidName(scope, name) and (not hasattr(val, '__objclass__') or 
val.__objclass__ == obj):
      # Value is a class object
      if IsClassLike(val):
        # Skip overridden values if the override is not also a class object
        if HasValue(overrides, name):
          oval = GetValue(overrides, name, kNoValue)
          if oval is not kNoValue and type(oval) not in kClassLikeTypes:
        if not has_key(seen_vals, val):
            seen_vals[val] = 1
          except TypeError:
            sys.stderr.write("Failed to register %s (may cause duplicates)\n" % 
          if last_val is not kNoValue and not callable(last_val):
          GenPClassForType(scope + [name], GetValue(overrides, name, {}), 
                           name, val, file, seen_vals, indent, use_inspect)
          num_written = num_written + 1
      # Try to use inspect module if requested, to place source directly (used
      # to write overrides)
      elif use_inspect and inspect is not None and IsFunctionOrMethod(val):
          src = inspect.getsource(val)
          #sys.stderr.write("NO SOURCE FOR NAME=%s TYPE=%s VAL=%s\n" % (name, 
str(type(val)), str(val)))
          if src:
            #sys.stderr.write("FOUND SOURCE FOR NAME=%s TYPE=%s VAL=%s\n" % 
(name, str(type(val)), str(val)))
            file.write(src + '\n')
            num_written = num_written + 1
            last_val = val
            #sys.stderr.write("EMPTY SOURCE FOR NAME=%s TYPE=%s VAL=%s\n" % 
(name, str(type(val)), str(val)))            
      # Skip functions, methods, or constants modified in overrides
      elif HasValue(overrides, name):

      # Value is a function or method
      elif callable(val):
          seen_vals[val] = 1
        except TypeError:
          sys.stderr.write("Failed to register %s (may cause duplicates)\n" % 
        if last_val is not kNoValue and not callable(last_val):
        # Trick to get init docs from class level doc where it usually is
        if name == '__init__':
          doc1 = getattr(val, '__doc__', '')
          if doc1 is None:
            doc1 = ''
          doc2 = getattr(obj, '__doc__', '')
          if doc2 is None:
            doc2 = ''
          args, retval = _GetCallableSignature(doc2 + '\n' + doc1)
          args, retval = GetCallableSignature(val)
        # Try to fall back on inspect, tho this only works if the module
        # is not an extension module or contains some methods defined in Python
        if args == '' and inspect is not None:
          fval = getattr(val, 'im_func', val)
            args = inspect.formatargspec(inspect.getargspec(fval)[0])
            args = args[1:-1]
            args = ''
        if type(obj) == PyType_Type or hasattr(val, 'im_func'):
          if len(args) > 0 and string_find(args, 'self') != 0:
            args = 'self, ' + args
          elif string_find(args, 'self') < 0:
            args = 'self'

        # Write the definition
        file.write(indent + 'def %s(%s):\n' % (name, args))
        WriteDocString(val, file, indent + '  ')
        file.write(indent + '  %s\n\n' % retval)
        num_written = num_written + 1
      # Value is a constant
      elif type(val) in kStringTypes:
        use_triple = (string_find(val, '\n') > 0 and string_find(val, '"""') == 
        # CHANGE: Replace '\r\n' with '\n'
        val = val.replace('\r\n', '\n')
        if use_triple:
          for c in val:
            if c not in printable_chars:
              use_triple = 0
        if use_triple:
          val = '"""%s"""' % str(val)
          val = repr(val)
        file.write(indent + '%s = %s\n' % (name, val))
        num_written = num_written + 1
      elif type(val) in kLiteralTypes:
        file.write(indent + '%s = %s\n' % (name, str(val)))
        num_written = num_written + 1
      elif type(val) in kStructureTypes:
        if type(val) == kListType:
          s = '[]'
        elif type(val) == kTupleType:
          s = '()'
        elif type(val) == kDictType:
          s = '{}'
        file.write(indent + '%s = %s\n' % (name, s))
        num_written = num_written + 1
      elif type(val) in kFileTypes:
        file.write(indent + '%s = file(__file__)\n' % name)
        num_written = num_written + 1
      # CHANGE: assume unkown types are properties!
        indent_to_paren = indent + ' ' * len(name) + ' ' * 12
        file.write(indent + '%s = property(None, None, None,\n' % (name,))
        WriteDocString(val, file, indent_to_paren)
        file.write(indent_to_paren + ')\n\n')
      last_val = val

  # Add in appropriate overrides
  additions = {}
  for oname in ValueItems(overrides):
    if oname in kOmitTopLevel:
    oval = GetValue(overrides, oname, None)
    # Class overrides already processed as addition to existing class
    # are not shown again
    if type(oval) in (kListType, kDictType) or not has_key(seen_vals, oval):
      additions[oname] = oval
      last_val = oval
  if len(additions) > 0:
      seen_vals[overrides] = 1
    except TypeError:
      sys.stderr.write("Failed to register %s (may cause duplicates)\n" % 
    sys.stdout.write(indent + '# BEGIN MANUAL OVERRIDES FROM %s\n' % 
    GenForObject(scope, GetValue(overrides, name, {}), overrides_file, 
additions, file, seen_vals, indent, use_inspect=1)
    sys.stdout.write(indent + '# END MANUAL OVERRIDES\n')
  if last_val is not kNoValue and not callable(last_val):
  return num_written

def GenPClassForType(scope, overrides, overrides_file, name, obj, file, 
                     seen_vals, indent = '', use_inspect=0):

  bases = ""
  if inspect is not None and hasattr(inspect, 'getmro'):
    baselist = inspect.getmro(obj)
    if baselist[0] is obj and len(baselist) > 1:
      bases = "(%s)" % baselist[1].__name__
  file.write(indent + 'class %s%s:\n' % (name, bases))
  WriteDocString(obj, file, indent + kOneLevelIndent)
  num_written = GenForObject(scope, overrides, overrides_file, obj, file, 
seen_vals, indent + kOneLevelIndent, use_inspect)
  if num_written == 0:
    file.write(indent + '  ' + 'pass\n\n')

def ProcessModule(mod_name, magic_code=None, metadata={}, overrides={}):

  if string_find(mod_name, '-') >= 0:
  seen_vals = {}
  if type(overrides) == types.ModuleType:
    overrides_file = overrides.__file__
    overrides_file = string_join(string_split(overrides_file, os.sep)[-3:], 
    if overrides_file[-1] in ('o', 'c'):
      overrides_file = overrides_file[:-1]
    overrides_file = None

  namespace = {}
  if magic_code is not None:
      exec('import %s' % mod_name, namespace)
      exec(magic_code, namespace)
      if not has_key(namespace, mod_name):
        exec('import %s' % mod_name, namespace)
    # Work-around for bug in 2.1's warning module
    if version == (2, 1) and mod_name == 'regex':
      namespace['__name__'] = mod_name
      exec('import %s' % mod_name, namespace)
    except ImportError:
      # This case sometimes succeeds when above fails but adding '.' to
      # path blindly seems like a bad idea so do it only as a fall-back
      exec('import %s' % mod_name, namespace)
  print >>sys.stderr, "Now imported", namespace.keys()
  sys.stdout.write('# AUTO-GENERATED FILE -- DO NOT EDIT\n')
  if overrides_file is not None:
    sys.stdout.write('# OVERRIDES FILE: %s\n\n' % overrides_file)
  components = mod_name.split('.')
  mod_name = components[0]
  components = components[1:]
  mod = namespace.get(mod_name)
  while components:
    mod = getattr(mod, components.pop(0))
  WriteDocString(mod, sys.stdout, '')
  GenForObject(['__toplevel__'], overrides, overrides_file, mod, sys.stdout, 

  fn = getattr(mod, '__file__', None)
  if fn is not None:
      fn = os.path.abspath(fn)
      metadata['file'] = repr(fn)
      metadata['file'] = fn
        if os.path.isfile(fn):
          s = os.stat(fn)
          metadata['modtime'] = s[stat.ST_MTIME]

def DecodeArg(a):
  """ If a starts with +, treat any subsequent + as indicator that the
  4 characters following are the hex representation of a code point which
  will replace the + and the following 4 chars.  Any / will be translated
  into os.sep.  On win32, always convert to unicode if possible. """
  if os.sep != '/':
    a = string_replace(a, '/', os.sep)

  if a == '' or a[0] != '+':
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        return unicode(a)
    return a

    a = unicode(a)
  part_list = string_split(a[1:], '+')
  fragments = []
  for i, part in enumerate(part_list):
    if i == 0:
      frag = part
        frag = unichr(string.atoi(part[:4], 16))
        frag = chr(string.atoi(part[:4], 16))
      frag = frag + part[4:]
    if frag != '':
    decoded = string_join(fragments, unicode(''))
    decoded = string_join(fragments, '')
  return decoded

def _PrintUsage():
  sys.stdout.write("Usage: %s [options] module-name output-file [python-path] 
  sys.stdout.write("output-file may be '-' to write to stdout.  The paths, if 
given, should be\n")
  sys.stdout.write("string separated by os.pathsep (':' or ';' depending on 
OS).  The output-file\n")
  sys.stdout.write("is treated as an encoded name if the name begins with a + 
and any + after\n")
  sys.stdout.write("the first is to be followed by a 4 digit hexadecimal number 
for the code\n")
  sys.stdout.write("point at that position in the string\n")
  sys.stdout.write("Valid options:\n")
  sys.stdout.write("  --meta-data    -- Write meta data file also -- the file 
name is output-file\n")
  sys.stdout.write("                    plus '.meta'.  This arg is ignored if 
output-file is '-'\n")
  sys.stdout.write("  --magic-code [code] -- Execute given code before 
attempting to import the \n")
  sys.stdout.write("                    extension module if importing it alone 
  sys.stdout.write("The meta data file, if output, contains a cPickle.dump()'ed 
Python dictionary\n")
  sys.stdout.write("with the following fields:\n")
  sys.stdout.write("  file           -- The module file name\n")
  sys.stdout.write("  modtime        -- The value of 

# CHANGE: .NET sub-namespaces are not modules
import System
namespaceType = type(System)
if __name__ == '__main__':
  write_metadata = 0
  magic_code = None
  # CHANGE: Hardwire assembly names to add references and pre-do imports to
  #         make nested namespaces available as attributes on top level 
  modnames = ['System', 'System.Data', 'System.Windows.Forms', 
  done = set()
  import clr
  for entry in modnames:
  # CHANGE: generate pi files in a loop
  while modnames:
    modname = modnames.pop()
    outfile = modname + '.pi'
    if outfile != '-':
      outfile = DecodeArg(outfile)
      f = open(outfile, 'w')
      sys.stdout = f
    metadata = {}
    ProcessModule(modname, magic_code, metadata)
    if outfile != '-':
      sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
      # Avoid leaving around lots of empty trash files
      if os.stat(outfile)[stat.ST_SIZE] == 0:
          sys.stdout.write("generate_pi.py:  Removing empty %s\n" % outfile)
  # TODO: return types can currently return things like Array[int]()
  #       the indexing will cause Wing to effectively ignore the 
  #       return type - so we should change to Array()
  #       Additionally - many methods return types from System
  #       especially Delegate and Array. Can Wing recognise these
  #       cross namespace return types? Probably not.
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