On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Dino Viehland<di...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> The big problem w/ installing into the GAC from our perspective is that
> assemblies in the GAC are fully trusted and can be loaded by anyone.
> Combine this w/ the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute which we apply to
> our assemblies and you potentially have a recipe for disaster.  In theory we
> believe this is ok because we’re also SecurityTransparent but we haven’t had
> the deeper conversion w/ the CLR team about combining all 3 of these so we
> continue to be conservative and not install into the GAC.

For the sake of simplifying the NWSGI usage instructions (or: think of
the children!), please reconsider :).

> We should probably look into removing APTCA though – the reason why we
> applied it in the 1.x time frame was due to a performance problem w/ signed
> non-APTCA assemblies which may now be fixed in the CLR.

How would this affect partially-trusted applications? IIRC any
assemblies they reference must have APTCA. This is quite important for
web applications as they are often hosted in medium trust.

- Jeff
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