Ernesto Cullen wrote:
>>> I need the assemblies signed, so I have to build the sources

With any key, or your own key? The IronPython 2.6 RC1 contains signed 
assemblies with the key we always sign releases with, so if you just need them 
to be signed those are the ones I'd suggest using; you do not need to build 
from source. 

Feel free to read on if there is some other reason to build from sources

>>> The projects are saved with ToolsVersion="4.0", and VS2008sp1 refuses to 
>>> open them. I had to change manually all project files to ToolsVersion="3.5"

We all use .NET 3.5 and VS2008 SP1 on our dev machines here, so I know the 
project files will open; the "4.0" tools version is just a hack to make the 
same project files build on .NET 4.0 as well. It may complain about the version 
number, but it will definitely open and build. Tomas, is there anything you did 
to make our tools less strict about the version # (I thought not).

>>> I had to change manually the references to 'MSSharedLibdelaySigned.snk' in 
>>> Src directory, is that key ok? I do not set the option 'delay sign'.

That is only a public key; you'd need your own public/private key to fully sign 
the assemblies yourself. Even though you are trying to fully sign them, they 
will be left in a delay-signed state since there is no public key. I assume you 
just want them signed with the key the releases are signed with, so again I 
suggest just using those.

>>> But then I cannot load these assemblies, i get a Strong Name validation 
>>> exception

These assemblies are now delay-signed, so you need to tell .NET not to care 
about that and treat them as fully signed; "sn.exe" does that for you:

sn -Vr *,31bf3856ad364e35

If sn.exe is not on your path, it's located on my 32-bit machine here: 
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\sn.exe. This 
skips-verification for ANY assembly with that public key token, so it may be a 
bit overkill, so feel free to specify the exact assemblies if you want.

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