I'm prepare simple test for problem demonstration.
Module utils imported 6-7 times on 2x Dual-Core Opteron 2216 machine,
but method IronPythonHelper.CreateScript() called one time. On Core 2
Quad this problem has detected 4 times. On Core 2 Duo problem has not
In file out.txt console output with exceptions and logging information.
Dino Viehland wrote:
You're only using 1 ScriptEngine class? That should be fine based upon
the code below but I just want to make sure I understand the scenario.
Is citypay.utils being ran multiple times when you run the code in the
multi-threaded scenario? If you have a console app you could put a
print statement in utils.py to see if it's getting executed multiple
times. If it's not a console app you could put some other logging
into it. Executing Struct's definition multiple times might cause
the exceptions you're seeing but I don't know why it would get executed
multiple times.
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