> You must be getting sick of me :-P j/k

Na, I'm happy someone's asking this many questions about Silverlight. =)

> Ok I have a simple video player setup ultimately I would like to connect it
> to a Database. I am writing the database code but I am unsure how to $_GET 
> a value in IronPython. Although I will be honest and haven't done to much 
> research as of yet ;-) that will begin tonight.
> But if you have any advice on passing values to IronPython that would be 
> greatly appreciated

To make network calls from IronPython, you can use either System.Net.WebClient 
or System.Net.HttpWebRequest. Here's WebClient's basic usage:
from System import Uri
from System.Net import WebClient

def process_response(sender, event_args):
    print event_args.result

request = WebClient()

WebClient also has an OpenReadAsync method which works the same way, but let's 
you get a Stream instead of a String. There is also HttpWebRequest, which is 
more powerful (doing post requests and such), but a bit more verbose. Doing 
some searching on the web will definitely yield a ton of C#/VB examples on how 
to do this, which should be straight-forward to convert to Python.

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