A good Visual Designer for IronPython is hard to find.  I was looking for a 
better GUI designer.  I was spoiled by the VB6 designer, and found the graphics 
APIs in CPython to be a hassle.  I discovered IronPython and WPF and set out to 
test them.  Visual Studio for IronPython is not so good.  I have so far settled 
happily on NetBeans with IronPython and Visual Studio for C#.  I generate great 
graphics in XAML files in Visual Studio and Kazaml (I stay Pythonic and never 
write C# code), read and parse the XAML files with IronPython code, and add 
support code.  I think M. Foord mentioned doing this somewhere on the Web.  I 
have experimented in this work mode to design with difficulty a Python editor 
with WPF's RichTextBox.  Writing a drag&drop GUI designer is hard.  I think 
someone should take over development of Visual Studio for IronPython.  That's 
seems a good place to start, and work it into a Silverlight IDE.

Don L Sawatzky
Spokane, WA
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