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Changeset Id: 1478595
Date: 1/21/2010 8:20:13 AM

25819 DynamicObject.TryBinaryOperation not called for comparison operators
25477 Compat conversion binder isn't used to let objects convert themselves
            We need to respect errorSuggestion and always fallback for all 
binders.  Also fixes a problem w/ incorrect # of arguments in the invoke binder.
25796 Debugging is Hit-and-Miss under 2.6 and Eclipse
            We cannot clear the trace pipeline when calling a trace function 
because that will clear it for all threads.  Instead we remember if we are in a 
traceback and if so don’t dispatch further events.  Also fixes an issue where 
the code name was in correct (should be “<modue>”) and updates a bunch of tests 
25775 Can't delete function attributes.
            This was already fixed, adding a test case
25700 Importing is not thread safe
            We need to lock when creating a built-in module.
25673 Silverlight lookup_error isn't available
            Just making this available in Silverlight be removing ifdef’s
25708 ctypes.wintypes missing / wintypes simple types not implemented 
                Add support for variant bool type along w/ new test cases added 
to CPython’s ctypes tests
25709 _winreg exception missing error codes 
                Improves the error reporting in _winreg, and also improves our 
automatic translation of Win32Exceptions.
                Fixing span reported for function w/o parameters
                Fix issue w/ calling flush on non-Python file
                Moving PythonService to GetService API so it works cross-process
                Fixing performance of getting/setting scope vars via object 
                Standardizes on Not/IsFalse DLR expression types
                Exposes PropertyType for all ReflectedGetter/Setters
                Exposes DynamicOperations off of LanguageContext for languages 
to use
                Adds CreateModule API to Python class for creating and 
publishing modules

(Shelveset: Ipy261BugsFinal;REDMOND\dinov | SNAP CheckinId: 10156)
Changeset Id: 1478595
Date: 1/21/2010 8:20:13 AM

25819 DynamicObject.TryBinaryOperation not called for comparison operators
25477 Compat conversion binder isn't used to let objects convert themselves
            We need to respect errorSuggestion and always fallback for all 
binders.  Also fixes a problem w/ incorrect # of arguments in the invoke binder.
25796 Debugging is Hit-and-Miss under 2.6 and Eclipse
            We cannot clear the trace pipeline when calling a trace function 
because that will clear it for all threads.  Instead we remember if we are in a 
traceback and if so don’t dispatch further events.  Also fixes an issue where 
the code name was in correct (should be “<modue>”) and updates a bunch of tests 
25775 Can't delete function attributes.
            This was already fixed, adding a test case
25700 Importing is not thread safe
            We need to lock when creating a built-in module.
25673 Silverlight lookup_error isn't available
            Just making this available in Silverlight be removing ifdef’s
25708 ctypes.wintypes missing / wintypes simple types not implemented 
                Add support for variant bool type along w/ new test cases added 
to CPython’s ctypes tests
25709 _winreg exception missing error codes 
                Improves the error reporting in _winreg, and also improves our 
automatic translation of Win32Exceptions.
                Fixing span reported for function w/o parameters
                Fix issue w/ calling flush on non-Python file
                Moving PythonService to GetService API so it works cross-process
                Fixing performance of getting/setting scope vars via object 
                Standardizes on Not/IsFalse DLR expression types
                Exposes PropertyType for all ReflectedGetter/Setters
                Exposes DynamicOperations off of LanguageContext for languages 
to use
                Adds CreateModule API to Python class for creating and 
publishing modules

(Shelveset: Ipy261BugsFinal;REDMOND\dinov | SNAP CheckinId: 10156)

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