Is there a reference somewhere for PInvoke or ctypes in IP?


On Jan 23, 7:31 pm, Michael Foord <> wrote:
> On 24/01/2010 00:19, Andrew Evans wrote:
> > I am trying to call user32.dll into IronPython how do I do this? Do I
> > use clr.AddReference, that doesn't seem to do it.
> clr.AddReference only works for .NET assemblies. user32.dll is not a
> .NET assembly. To use it you will either need PInvoke or ctypes that
> comes with IronPython 2.6.
> PInvoke relies on .NET attributes. It used to be the case that you
> couldn't use these directly with IronPython but needed a simple C#
> wrapper. The following article shows how to call into user32.dll using a
> C# wrapper:
> Alternatively you can try that comes with IronPython 2.6.
> All the best,
> Michael Foord
> > Suggestions
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