A newbie here.  I am trying to use the XNA infrastructure to render
some data, since all I need is points and colored triangles and a
movable camera.

Code snippet:
    def SetupVerticies(self):
        l = Array.CreateInstance(VertexPositionColor,6)
        l[0] = VertexPositionColor(Vector3(0., 0., 0.), Color.White)
        l[1] = VertexPositionColor(Vector3(5., 0., 0.), Color.White)
        l[2] = VertexPositionColor(Vector3(10., 0., 0.), Color.White)
        l[3] = VertexPositionColor(Vector3(5., 0., -5.), Color.White)
        l[4] = VertexPositionColor(Vector3(0., 0., 0.), Color.White)
        l[5] = VertexPositionColor(Vector3(10., 0., -5.), Color.White)
        self.vertices = l

    def CopyTerrainToGraphicsBuffers(self):
        self.VertexBuffer = VertexBuffer(self.graphics.GraphicsDevice, \
            len(self.vertices) * VertexPositionColor.SizeInBytes, \

This dies with:
TypeError: The type arguments for method 'SetData' cannot be inferred
from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.

Any idea how to do this ?
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