On 02/02/2010 21:08, Brian Curtin wrote:
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 15:00, Lukáš Duběda <loo...@duber.cz <mailto:loo...@duber.cz>> wrote:

    Hi there everybody,

    I'd really appretiate if anyone could share their experience
    with any good dotNET GUI designer. I'd love to have such
    functionality I can get out of QtDesigner, where I visually
    design my forms and buttons and what not and then just save
    that GUI into a file or generate a usable Python code
    out of it for my scripts.

    And another question, is there any good integration of IronPython
    into Visual Studio 2008? Or newer? I'm not a VS user, but since
    we can get the VS Express for free, this'd be a valuable tool
    for my IronPython programming.

    Thanks a lot in advnace, cheers,

I don't have a lot of experience with it, but Sharp Develop (http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/) supports IronPython, and may be worth a look. Others have reported success.

If you do look into Visual Studio, you can write GUI code in C# using the Visual Studio designer, then subclass it from Python code.

This is the approach I usually recommend. The only thing you miss out on is hooking up your events from the designer - but if you're doing TDD then you'll want to write your tests first anyway... :-)


You can even, with a little modification, design GUIs in C# in Visual Studio and copy/paste the C# code into a Python file and run with it. You'll need to convert things like true/false to True/False, null to None, etc...but with a little effort it works :)

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