On 15/02/2010 21:54, Mark Grice wrote:
I am using IronPython within a C# .NET application.

I have a class that the Python code uses, so I create a scope and set the variable, then execute the engine like this:

        private ScriptEngine scptEngine = null;
        private ScriptRuntime scptRuntime = null;
        private ScriptScope scptScope;
        private ScriptSource scptSource;

        public pyEngine()
                scptEngine = Python.CreateEngine();
                scptRuntime = scptEngine.Runtime;
                scptScope = scptEngine.CreateScope();
                SOA SOA_screen = new SOA();                 // my Class
                scptScope.SetVariable("screen", SOA_screen);
scptSource = scptEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(scriptFile);

This runs fine. But within the Python code, if I detect an error, I want to exit out of scriptFile.

I check a flag and try to exit if flag is false: so, the basic python is:

   if MessageScreenIsActive == False :
      screen.Say("CAN NOT PROCEED: " + screen.lastResultMessage);

This throws an exception.
That will throw a SystemExit exception. You can have exception handling in your C# that catches this specific error.

But this:

   if MessageScreenIsActive == False :
      screen.Say("CAN NOT PROCEED: " + screen.lastResultMessage);
You're not actually calling sys.exit here...

All the best,


only exits the <IF block> -- not the whole script.

Of course, I can bracket off all of my code with if/else and control it this way, but there must be a simple way to simple exit the script... isn't there?

Thanks for reading!

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