On 30/04/2010 23:32, Dino Viehland wrote:
Michael wrote:
Hey all,

I'm porting the dotnet-integration document that comes with IronPython
to Try Python. The following example doesn't work, because RegistryKey
isn't available on Silverlight. Can anyone suggest a good alternative of
an explicitly implemented interface method on a class in Silverlight?
One example might be Python file objects which also implement IDisposable.

That would be a really inconvenient example to pick, since in Try Python I patch __builtin__.file to be a custom type that reads / writes files to local storage. :-)

Can you think of anything else?


\.NET allows a method with a different name to override a base method
implementation or interface method slot. This is useful if a type implements
two interfaces with methods with the same name. This is known as
`explicity implemented interface methods
For example, `Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey`
implements `System.IDisposable.Dispose` explicitly::

  >>>  from Microsoft.Win32 import RegistryKey
  >>>  clr.GetClrType(RegistryKey).GetMethod("Flush") #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo object at ... [Void Flush()]>
  >>>  clr.GetClrType(RegistryKey).GetMethod("Dispose")

In such cases, IronPython tries to expose the method using its simple name -
if there is no ambiguity::

  >>>  from Microsoft.Win32 import Registry
  >>>  rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software")
  >>>  rkey.Dispose()

However, it is possible that the type has another method with the same name.
In that case, the explicitly implemented method is not accessible as an
However, it can still be called by using the unbound class instance
method syntax::

  >>>  rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software")
  >>>  System.IDisposable.Dispose(rkey)

All the best,

Michael Foord


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